Aligning Beesiness with UN SDGs for Sustainable Impact

Aligning Beesiness with UN SDGs for Sustainable Impact

Dec 05, 2023Adriane Roessler

When Beesiness embarked on its journey to become a sustainable business, it was clear to us that aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was not just beneficial but imperative. The goals adopted in 2015 by the United Nations have been the bedrock shaping our business model from day one, with a particular focus on four key objectives.

The SDGs have become not only a call to all of us, but also a compass guiding businesses, policymakers, and various entities toward sustainable practices. It serves as both a starting point and a roadmap, directing efforts toward meaningful and impactful initiatives.

 And what is our part in that?

At the core of Beesiness' mission lies Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Here, we prioritize sustainable management within the vendors on our platform, accentuating the efficient use of natural resources through quality seal assignments.

Transitioning seamlessly to the next pivotal objective, Goal #9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure now takes the spotlight in our strategic approach. Beesiness, leveraging its global business model, we strive to not only ignite economic development in emerging economies but also enhance human well-being.

At the same time, we direct our efforts toward Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, as we actively promote global resource efficiency in both consumption and production. Conclusively, our commitment extends to Goal #10: Reduced Inequality, where we ardently work to stimulate social and economic inclusion in developing countries.

Our pride is that we have the opportunity to stand at the forefront of change within consumption and production chains, aligning steadfastly with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We are happy to contribute to the realization of a more sustainable and responsible future. We care about this and future generations. This is our mission.


Image credit: Mintblak from

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