Dona Sá

Produced by Women

In Brazilian agriculture, the patriarchal system remains very prevalent. Despite women playing a crucial role in coffee cultivation—from planting to the cup, female labor is indispensable—their work receives little recognition in practice. Women are underrepresented in leadership and decision-making roles, with limited access to education and finances. Additionally, balancing work and family poses a significant challenge.

        Image: Farmer Inês

In recent years, there seems to be progress: an increasing number of Brazilian women are not only taking on responsibilities in coffee cultivation but also in the realm of commercial advocacy. This is evident in various coffee associations across regions. In 2012, the International Women's Coffee Alliance was established, and since 2022, Vanusa Nogueira, a Brazilian, has become the first woman to lead the International Coffee Organization.

Direct Trade

On average, each German consumes nearly six kilograms of coffee per year, equivalent to about four cups a day. Despite our high coffee consumption, our knowledge about it is limited.

My goal is to offer customers high-quality coffee varieties while ensuring maximum transparency from cultivation to consumption. Coffee producers are guaranteed fair payment and a long-term, solid partnership in this process.

Since 2020, the international market price has been constantly changing. The price I pay to producers for specialty coffee is 50 percent above the market price.

Before purchasing the coffee, I establish direct contact with the producers. This contact is crucial for tracing the supply chain and nurturing the partnership. Each offered coffee variety comes from a single farm, known as "Single Origin."

Through direct trade, I take a different path: bypassing intermediaries, cooperatives, and coffee exchanges, a significant portion of the value chain remains in the country of origin.

            Image: Adriana Maria de Sá Nascimento Behnstedt and Farmer Inês

We all bear responsibility for our consumption habits. Therefore, we should pay attention to the production chain. With direct trade, I am convinced that we can establish a connection between producers and consumers.

Direct trade enables producers to:

  • have direct access to the international market,
  • achieve financial independence through a higher coffee price,
  • market their own coffee independently, and
  • be independent of dominant cooperatives.